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Национальная ассоциация управления проектами с 1990 года
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Dear IPMA-NA Members and Friends,

The Second Announcement of the IPMA World Congress 2004 Budapest on Project Management and for the connected events, such as the pre- and post-congress seminars, the 16th GPMF and IPMA-YCW are under printing, however they are available in full electronic version in PDF-file to be down-loaded from our web-site: www.fovosz.hu.

Important single excerpt-files and on-line registration are active as of 1st February 2004 on www.ipmacongress.hu, however to follow important dead-lines, I hereby wish to highlight all those dates:

1: submitting final papers: 29 February, 2004.

2: In the Terms and Conditions for Exhibitor-Participants (e-mail: janosy.judit@malev.hu)
registration (see: Registration Form) until 15 March 2004 (official deadline for exhibitors) in case you register for any of the standard packages.
However, if you have special space requirements, you have to settle and finalize details with the exhibition director until 29 February 2004.
The area on the "Rue des nationes" offered free for NA-s of IPMA will be approx. 4sqms consisting of a round table, 2 chairs in front of the display counter and division panels in the back space.
However you have to confirm your NA-participation and book your space until 15th March 2004 as well.

3: Listed Hotels, with special congress room-rates are available only with pre-reservations until: 15 March, 2004.
All quoted room prices include breakfast and all taxes.
For Hotel reservations after 15 March 2004, we are unable to guarantee the same special terms, thus accommodations will have to be traded according to free availability.

4: You are welcome to book your partner(s) for any of the optionally offered tours, however for the sake of the logistics we prefer your pre-registrations by 15th May, 2004 the latest.

5: As for the Official Carrier of the Event: MALEV Hungarian Airlines
we suggest to all delegates attending the conference to utilize the offered 15% discount on published fares and
contact your Local Malev Office for flight information and bookings along with your confirmed registration.
Please visit www.malev.hu or at the "useful links" under www.ipmacongress.hu.

I personally wish you all successful world-wide NETWORKING in Budapest…

With best regards
Peter Tarnoki
Budapest, 25 January 2004

-Exhibition packages

Passport & Visa
Citizens from most European countries do not need to have a visa to travel to Hungary, however nationals of Albania and Turkey, Russia, China need to have an entry visa. If you are unsure about visa requirements concerning your country, please contact the Hungarian Embassy for information in your respective country.
A Letter of Invitation to attend the congress will be sent on individual request. The invitation is intended to faciliate participants' travel and visa arrangements and does not imply the provision of any financial or other form of support. Please send your request to mail@ipmacongress.hu or fax to +36-1-428 2856

Currency, cheques & Credit Cards
The national currency in Hungary is the Hungarian Forint. All major credit cards and traveler’s cheque can be freely carried in and out of the country. Credit cards are accepted to draw local cash in banks or from cash machines and to settle bills in hotels, restaurants and shops. Signs at store entrances indicate the type of cards actually accepted.

Listed Hotels, with special congress room-rates are available only with pre-reservations until: 15 March, 2004.
All quoted room prices include breakfast and all taxes.
For Hotel reservations after 15 March 2004, we are unable to guarantee the same special terms, thus accommodations will have to be traded according to free availability.

The four star hotel Novotel, by its wide range of services, provides an ideal living atmosphere for participants of conferences and businessmen. The hotel is built right next to the Budapest Congress Centre: both premises are inter-connected.
Price: € 140.-/single room; € 160.-/double room

Hotel Hilton is a deluxe hotel in the prestigious Castle Hill location, next to the 13th century Dominican Cloister, gothic Coronation Church and Fishermen's Bastion.
Price: € 193.-/single room; € 235.-/double room

Budapest Marriott combines a matchless city-centre location on the bank of the Danube with contemporary comfort, impeccable service and superb business facilities. All rooms and suites enjoy spectacular river view.
Price: € 200.-/single room; € 200.-/double room

Park Hotel Flamenco is located on the Buda side of the capital, overlooking a beautiful park with a small lake, surrounded by the beautiful Buda Hills. Close to downtown, shopping, all public transportation.
Price: € 135.-/single room; € 135.-/double room

Hotel Gellert is one of the oldest and most distinguished thermal hotels of Budapest. Located at the foot of Gellert Hill, this Art Nouveau style hotel has been an important landmark of Budapest for more than 80 years. It houses the world-famous Gellert Spa, offering splendid indoor bathing.
Price: € 160.-/single room; € 160.-/double room

Hotel Erzsebet is one of Budapest's premier middle class lodging hotels, offering its guests a first class moderate accommodation, services, amenities and value for business and leisure. It is located in the city centre.
Price: € 125.-/single room; € 125.-/double room

City Panzio Matyas***
City Panzio Matyas is a new, friendly pension in the walking area of Budapest, close to the most important sights of the city.
Price: € 55.-/single room; € 72.-/double room

Package price of the professional exhibition stands

Standard sizes
6 sqms 8 sqms 9 sqms 12 sqms
Price in €
2400 2900 3200 3800

The quoted package prices include full congress registration of 2 people,Basic furnishing of the booth, electricity, standard banner and cleaning.

Upon request, an individual arrangement can be signed.

The area on the „Rue des nationes” offered free for NA-s of IPMA will be approx. 4sqms consisting of a round table, 2 chairs in front of the display counter and division panels in the back space.
However you have to confirm your NA-participation and book your space until 15th March 2004.

Terms and Conditions for Exhibitor-Participants

  1. The Exhibition will take place parallel with the 2-day congress program on the 19-20 June 2004 at the venue spreading over the aula and adjoining spaces of both Bartok- and mirror-corridors.
  2. Exhibition director: Judit Janosy (e-mail: janosy.judit@malev.hu)
  3. Registration –confirmed by payment- (see: Registration form) until 15 March 2004 (official deadline for exhibitors) in case you register for any of the standard packages (see above). However, if you have special space requirements, you have to settle and finalize details with the exhibition director until 29 February 2004.
  4. IPMA National Associations ready to utilize our free-stall offer (see above), as participants of the “Rue des nationes” should confirm booking along with the deadline for other exhibitors: 15 march 2004.
  5. Exhibition lay-out plan will be available from mid-April. Should changes in allocation of the final exhibition planning be necessary, the organizer reserves the right to carry out alterations in the booth allocation up until 15 June 2004.
  6. Should this alteration influence invoiced contract-pricing, reimbursement will be available.
  7. Construction will be carried out on 18 June 2004(Friday) from 6 a.m. until 4 p.m.(16:00 hours), i.e. area will be available for exhibitors from 5 p.m.(17:00 hours). Booth not occupied until 19 June (Saturday) noon time, will be disposed or otherwise utilized, without any reimbursement obligations. Storage of package materials at the exhibition area is forbidden, those can be arranged in a separate agreement with charges dependent on size and nature of material to be stored.
  8. Dismantling will be performed on 21 June 2004 (Monday) from 8 a.m. Organiser does not assume any liability for exhibition materials which are left in booth after dismantling started.
  9. Organizer is not liable to any loss in exhibits and equipments or profit under normal operation or failures due to force major.
  10. Cancellation of the registration after the expiry of registration deadline is only possible with written consent of the organizer. Reimbursement for paid booth rental is only arranged if renting out or transfer-right is possible, however exhibitor remains committed to payment of full participation fees plus € 200 handling fee. Organizer is entitled to cancel the registration if exhibitor/sponsor who has not paid the agreed fee according to contract terms.
  11. 11. All claims are to be made in writing within maximum 2 months after the event. All claims are void after 20 August 2004. All are subject to individual approval and written decisions made by the organizers. (Exclusively the Hungarian law applies).

Various forms of sponsorship are designed to support the congress:
- Exclusive Congress Event or Services Sponsor,
- General Congress Promoter/Main Sponsor.
We welcome any approach for proposals of Sponsorship Packages.
If you wish to attend the conference as a sponsor, please ask for details from the Congress Director: Peter Tarnoki: Q & A e-mail: fovosz@fovosz.hu

Registration fees:

16th December’03 – 31st March 2004
After 31st March, 2004
IPMA & PMI Members € 920.- € 1040.-
Others € 1010.- € 1130.-
Students   € 200.-
Daily Tickets   € 460.-
Accompanying Persons € 180.- € 240.-
Global PM-Forum , or any other one-day Pre/Post- Congress seminar € 100.- € 100.-
Half-day seminar, € 70.- € 70.-
Two-day seminar, or participation on 2x one-day seminars (see seminar-matrix) € 150.- € 150.-
Social Programs incl. International PM Award Gala € 120.- € 120.-

Team discounts:

  • 5 % discount for 3-5 registered participants, and
  • 15 % discount for 6 or more registered participants employed by the same company/institution/association/university, etc.

All discounts applicable to full registration package only.

Payment of the registration fee should be made together with the registration. Registration cannot be accepted or confirmed without full payment of the registration fee. Method of payment: by bank transfer or credit card. For further information and also for optional partner programs and hotel reservations please visit on-line registration site < www.ipmacongress.hu>, or go for fax or e-mail registration by using the Registration Form enclosed in this issue.

Cancellation Terms
Refunds will be made for cancellation requests received in writing (letter, fax or e-mail) by 15th April, 2004, subject to €150.- administration charge. It is regretted that refunds cannot be made after this date, however substitutions maybe made if notified in advance.

Registration Fee Coverage:

Type of registration Attendance at congress sessions congress material and congress bag Proceedings Attendance at all social programmesincl. Internat. PM-Award Gala Coffee breaks L
Exhibition Sight seeing
IPMA & PMI Members + + + + + + +  
Students +       + + +  
Daily Tickets +       + + +  
Seminar registrations         + +    
Accompanying persons       +       +