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Очередной выпуск электронного журнала CBPE - Advisor


July 19, 2007

News and tips from the Center for Business Practices

The Best Practices e-Advisor

In this issue


  • Best Project Management Links
  • SWOT's New?
  • Best Books
  • Tips from the Best
  • Personal Best
  • Best Research
  • Best Quotes
  • Administrivia

Best Project Management Links

The Best ... and the Best of the Best
Norton Healthcare of "Kentuckyiana" took the honors as PMO of the Year in a rigorously judged competition. Best bytes from their application: an unmatched effort to adapt project management to the needs of clinical staff in a hospital setting, and a unique partnership with executive leaders. Read about all the finalists at:

Reader's Choice
The Evolving PMO
Ron Rigores, PMO director at the New York City Housing Authority--one of the CBP's PMO of the Year finalists--turned us on to this executive summary of a Gartner Group study. It mentions his organization, and also offers an excellent table of best practices for growing the PMO. Thanks, Ron!

All About PMOs
A terrific series of articles on the Projects@Work site explores all the angles of the PMO: structure, best practices, pros and cons. Kudos to author Andrew Makar for a concise and practical series!

ADKAR ... Means Change Management
Sitting in on a change management workshop at the CBP Summit, I kept hearing this acronym. The website for this change management model, developed by ProSci offers a strategy and tools to help change agents (read: project managers) prepare the way for organizational transformation with "Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement."

Besting the bureaucracy ...

  • Join the CBP Now
  • Previous Issues
  • The CBP Bookstore
  • More About Us

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Thank you for subscribing to this free information service of the Center for Business Practices. Each issue of the e-Advisor provides you with succinct tips and pointers to practices that will help you better manage your projects and business processes. To view this newsletter online, go to www.cbponline.com/


SWOT's New?

Threats and Opportunities :
It's a risky world out there--here's this issue's balanced pair of risks:

Strategy Execution--Not
Companies are good at planning strategy and lousy at carrying it out, according to experts like Lawrence Hrebiniak of the Wharton School. That makes the planning process a waste of time and resources, and costs organizations beaucoup in missed opportunities and pointless projects. What to do? Read more:

Align Projects, People, and Technology for Strategic Action
Linking aspirations to concrete plans for action ... that's what portfolio management is all about. Using a model like the Balanced Scorecard to make sure all the organization's bases are covered helps ensure a balanced approach. But the BSC isn't the only model out there. More on executing strategy by linking it to a balanced portfolio of initiatives:

More links on strategy execution and projects:



Best Books

Books by PMO of the Year Award Judges!

The Superior Project Organization
Global Competency Standards and Best Practices
by Frank Toney
Based on years of observations at project management benchmarking forums, Dr. Toney's compilation of best practices for the structure and governance of project organizations is a classic.
This month only:
Add Dr. Toney's companion book, The Superior Project Manager at an additional $10 off the CBP price. Use coupon code TONEY2 at checkout.

Project Sponsorship
Achieving Management Commitment for Project Success
by Randall L. Englund and Alfonso Bucero
A resource in expanding best practices in project sponsorship, this book helps project managers and sponsors build the skills they need to work together for project success.

The Advanced Project Management Office
A Comprehensive Look at Function and Implementation
by Parviz F. Rad and Ginger Levin
An easy-to-read overview of PMO basics, from structure and functions to project manager and team roles.

Check often for new titles being added to our redesigned bookstore and website.

Tips from the Best

Committed ... or Merely Compliant?
There's a big difference, when it comes to project performance, says senior PM College instructor Paul Lombard. He shares six areas to focus on in building a committed team.

Personal Best

Dizzying Heights at the Summit
Five things the best and brightest in project management have in common.

Best Research

Participate in Research!
This study from the University of Bremen looks at career paths and other PM HR issues. All participant information will be held in confidence, and research results will be made available to all respondents to the survey. http://www.prokar.syntaxport.net/index.php?lang=en

How to Perform Competitive Intelligence Research
How are your competitors doing? Answering that question requires a commitment to business intelligence research. Here is a short course in setting up such a research initiative, from BNET.

Coming soon:
Results of the CBP's State of the PMO 2007 research!

Read research summaries from the CBP (choose "extended information" link on each Product Details page) ...

Best Quotes

Overheard during the expert panel on PMOs at the CBP Summit:
"It's okay to have routine work ... and it's okay to have emergencies. But when you have routine emergencies, it's not okay!"
--Parviz Rad, co-author of The Advanced PMO


The Best Practices e-Advisor is a free information service of the Center for Business Practices, a division of PM Solutions, "the project management experts." Visit PM Solutions on the Web at http://www.pmsolutions.com. The Center for Business Practices publishes the e-Advisor, CBP Research Reports, and the PM Practices Book Series in cooperation with Auerbach Books. Visit our website to explore all the options we offer project management practitioners: Publications, bookstore, benchmarking forums, research network, and benchmarking consortium membership.

NOTE: Please do not reply to this message with comments or questions. If you want to contact someone directly, send e-mail to: jcabanis-brewin@cbponline.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

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What do you think of the e-Advisor? Please e-mail your comments to the editor at jcabanis-brewin@cbponline.com

email: jcabanis-brewin@cbponline.com