Национальная ассоциация управления проектами с 1990 года
Национальная ассоциация управления проектами с 1990 года
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IPMA Global Young Crew Workshop


Dear IPMA family (MA's, delegates and substitutes)

We would like to share with you, as happened last year, the possibility of applying for IPMA pre-paid registration tickets for the IPMA Global Young Crew Workshop! Our key priority is to get Young Crew people from as many countries as possible, so please make sure that at least someone in your country applies.

We will be prioritizing people that are active in their national Young Crew, to ensure that these tickets constitute a prize for their efforts. We are also giving credit to those people that are willing to lead in making their efforts more international. And of course, we are acknowledging those people whose MA support their YC efforts and contribute on the trip!

In order to apply, please fill out the following form:


Please, instead of just sending the link out, make sure this link reaches the most suitable candidates! That way you are also crediting your Young Crew's work. And if you don't have a Young Crew yet, but you have a candidate to start one up, you should also have them apply!

We will be getting applications until Friday May 6th, and we'll get back to the applicants before Friday May 17th!