Национальная ассоциация управления проектами с 1990 года
Национальная ассоциация управления проектами с 1990 года
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Call for participation in IPMA Research Project Controlling Project Governance Risks


IPMA has initiated the research project Controlling Project Governance Risks, sponsored by Ruihe Anhui Project Management Group.

Project governance is of significance as it is the foundation for achieving a successful project. In this research, we focus on the issue of project governance risks, aiming to summarize the latest concepts and frameworks of project governance, the effective mechanisms, solutions and tools of controlling project governance risks, the applications of the new technologies in controlling project governance risks, and related real-life cases.

As the project manager, I am looking for researchers willing to join the project.

Here are some proposed specific issues (not limited to) relating to controlling project governance risks:

  • Project governance strategy development;
  • Project governance structure design and management;
  • Project steering, monitoring, and information disclosure;
  • Project stakeholder management;
  • Project governance risks typologies;
  • Advanced methods and systems for managing project governance risks; etc.

Case studies, empirical studies, Artificial Intelligence technology-based approaches are especially encouraged.

If you are interested, please submit a two-page research proposal on or before 30th May 2020. When selected, a full draft of research report is expected before the end of August 2020 followed by an independent peer-review process. A book Controlling Project Governance Risk will be published by an international publisher, decided during the project implementation. The research report, prepared as book chapters are due before the end of June 2020.

One workshop for presenting the selected research contributions is intended to be organized in the framework of IPMA Research Conference 2020 (10-11 September 2020, Berlin). The lead researchers will be invited to attend the workshop. The following costs categories will be covered from the project budget: travel, accommodation, the costs for workshop organizing and the publication costs.

Yours sincerely,

Ding Ronggui, Ph.D.


Research Coordinator, International Project Management Association

Professor, School of Management, Shandong University